What a difference in one week, and a most welcome one!
This map shows Oklahoma Mesonet temperatures on the morning of the all-time record lows in Oklahoma a week before, compared to yesterday, when some daily record highs were set. Nowata (encircled) wins again, this time for greatest reversal of fortune with a 110-degree warming in a week!
It’s no secret that I hate the cold of winter; but this is the one place to live for the most interesting and variegated weather around. In the last few years, within the bounds of this state, I’ve witnessed wildfires, drought, dust storms, two blizzards, destructive hail, damaging thunderstorm winds, below-zero cold, 109-degree heat, flash flooding, two ice storms, a tropical storm (nearly of hurricane intensity!), a sleet storm, and multiple tornadoes of every shape, size and form.