It’s wildflower time in central Oklahoma, and a wet mid-late spring has spawned a bloomin’ profusion.
Mid-day Friday, Elke and I spent about half an hour in a fantastic field of wildflowers right here in Norman, testing a new L-series lens in which we have invested. The grand and grassy carpet was liberally infused with orange and red Indian paintbrush, wine cups, and other varieties of assorted creamy, magenta and buttery tones.
Later that day, on a fun little storm observing excursion, the kids and I saw some good blooms alongside I-35 in southern OK.
It still may be a bit early for the Flint Hills of Kansas; but if we can get some clear skies the next few days, the Oklahoma Tallgrass Prairie Preserve may light up with a good dose of colorful flora (if it hasn’t already). I have the week off, and it looks like a lame storm pattern (save perhaps one or two days). Sometime this week, we may pay a visit, for the first time in a few years.
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