We interrupt this BLOG for an important announcement. Had this been an actual emergency, you wouldn’t give a flip. But since you’re reading this, here goes…
After several problems with security, poor SPAM filtering for comments and track-backs, slow performance, and general user unfriendliness on my end, we finally flushed Movable Type and switched the entire BLOG to Word-Press.
This includes all the previous entries and underlying database. Word-Press has a different file naming convention, which rendered all links to previous entries invalid. Elke, bless her heart, had to go through and update the links one-by-one, since that didn’t happen automatically. Still, if you happen across an unresponsive link to another BLOG entry, let us know and we’ll fix that.
As for comments, those had been disabled for a long time in MT due to an avalanche of SPAM that MT seemed utterly powerless to restrict. Somewhat regretfully, the only way to exterminate the infestation of digital vermin was to ban all new comments. I may try to open comments for the 2008 chases for awhile and see what happens; so if there’s a chase day for which you want to compare notes, look it up here and comment if possible.
Check out the cool things that happen when you click on a photo link. The image appears in a window that allows forward/backward sequential viewing of the chase day’s slide show. Just run your cursor over the right or left side of a photo and a forward or backward arrow will appear, on which you can click to go backward or forward in that day’s selection of chase photos.
We’re also considering some relatively unobtrusive web ads (at the bottom of the BLOG page) to offset the costs in overhead, as long as I have power of pre-approval over any advertising content. It’s not a done deal, so we shall see…