Comments Closed (For Now)

May 30, 2007 by · Comments Off on Comments Closed (For Now)
Filed under: announcement 

Because of the enormous volume of SPAM comments that our chase BLOG has been receiving (on the order of 50-100 per day), the hassle of deleting them, and the lack of any real person’s comments recently, I’m closing down the comment function for the time being. We’re using an old license of MT and don’t feel like going through the time and learning curve of upgrading to a more SPAM resistant version right now.

In the meantime, we’ll keep posting chase logs as we get the chance for the rest of the season. If you do have comments about any given Storms Observed entry, you still can air them, and here’s how: Simply e-mail them to me and I will append them to the end of the BLOG entry.

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